Schmitz Law, P.C. Blog
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Schmitz Law, PC: Attorneys Recognized for Excellence
Adoption, Asset Division, Child Support, Custody, Divorce, Mediation, Separation, Spousal Support
At Schmitz Law, PC, we are honored to have such top-rated Winston-Salem family law attorneys representing our firm and making a meaningful difference in the lives of our clients.
Children: Are You Prepared To Talk To Your Children About A Divorce?
News of their parents’ divorce is likely to have immediate and lasting impacts on any children shared from the marriage. Consider their wellbeing when deciding how to break this news. How will they react? Are you prepared to answer their questions? How do you even begin this conversation with them?
Co-Parenting Tips: Put Your Children First
Co-Parenting Tips: Put Your Children First You never wanted to get divorced, but you couldn't talk your spouse out of it. Marriage counseling didn't help. Talking to friends and family members didn't save the marriage. Eventually, your spouse filed for divorce and you...
The Role of a Mediator in a Family Law Case in North Carolina
Asset Division, Custody, Mediation, Separation
The Role of a Mediator in a Family Law Case in North Carolina Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that can be used in family law cases to help parties reach a resolution without going to trial. In North Carolina, mediation is often required before a...
Divorce Attorneys – How to Avoid Them
Explore a few ways to strengthen your marriage and to avoid meeting a divorce attorney.
Protect Your Grandparent Visitation Rights
This article provides a general overview of when grandparents can seek visitation with their grandchildren, even with both parents are fit and proper to be raising the children
Can A Judge Force Me To Sell My House In A Divorce?
Asset Division, Divorce, Separation
If the spouses cannot agree on who will receive sole ownership of the home, a judge will have to decide on which spouse keeps the home. There can be a number of factors a judge might consider when making this decision.
New Life: Retired and Divorcing
Asset Division, Divorce, Separation
New Life: Retired and Divorcing Family law attorneys are experiencing increasing numbers of individuals who are nearing retirement or already retired and divorcing. Amongst many others, these cases are often difficult for at least a couple of reasons: There are both...
Parenting Plan Terms Must Benefit The Children
Parenting Plan Terms Must Benefit The Children Coming to the terms of a child custody agreement doesn't have to involve an all-out battle. Instead, you and your ex can put the kids first and make decisions that benefit them. This might not end up with all of your...
Temporary Custody Orders Smooth The Transition
Asset Division, Child Support, Custody, Separation
When you decide it’s time to get a divorce, you need to immediately make some decisions about your life from now on. Things like your child’s custody schedule or the possession of your home have to be addressed quickly, since these decisions affect you immediately.
Legal Custody and Religious Choices For Your Children
There are so many issues to worry about during your divorce that you may overlook some of the most profound and lasting impacts of the process. Focusing too much on one area could result in less-than-ideal court outcomes. Custody is a perfect example. Many parents...
Try These Coping Mechanisms To Get Through Your Divorce
When you’re going through a divorce, it’s important to take some time for yourself to relax and recover. This is an emotionally difficult time for you, and it can cause financial strain as well. No matter what you’re going through, it’s most important that you take...